Showing posts with label 420. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 420. Show all posts

Friday, 16 August 2019

Summer Pt1 - 420 World Championships

WOW! What a crazy summer its been. Its been so long I've had to split it into 3 parts so here is part 1.

My summer started on June 14th in Lymington when I headed down to my crews house for a week of boat work. He had just finished his final GCSE so it was a happy positive week. This was the final week our boat was in the UK until August so we made sure the boat was in perfect condition ready for a lot of high quality racing! After this we headed down to Weymouth for our final training session with the team. We felt fast and prepared so all positives so far! 

From here it was up to London to catch a flight to sunny Portugal. We headed out a few days before the majority of the team to give us some more time to familiarise ourselves with the racecourse and also Vilamoura itself as I find it important to feel comfortable  where I am. In preparation for the Youth Worlds we had switched to Zaoli Sails for the 420 Worlds to help us get used to tuning them. Below is a video our of first training session in Portugal using them. It was a gorgeous 15-20 knots blast in 25 degrees. I think that just about is the definition of champagne sailing. 

The next few days bought a whole range of wind strengths and directions which was perfect to help us acclimatise to the venue. We hired bikes as well to make the long commute to the sailing club more exciting and just quicker. Over the next few days we made huge gains on our boat tuning and making sure we were getting the most out of our new sails capability. A few days later the rest of Team GBR arrived. The GBR 420 class send 20 boats and 40 sailors out to the Worlds making it a great team event which really helps make the event more enjoyable and is a great way of helping each other out.
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Wish it was always like this...

Before we knew it measurement and registration was upon us. Measurement in a 420 international event is the most unenjoyable experience ever. It requires the sailors to completely strip the boats of all ropes and to make the boat perfectly dry. The dry part is the easiest as the hot weather evaporates all possible traces of water meaning the boats inconveniently end up under weight requiring us to put lead in our boat to make it the required 80.00 kilos. After all of this we then have to put EVERYTHING back into our boats which takes ages. Especially for Will and I who seem to take a lot longer than everyone else. The only positive is this means the start of the event is near. 
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Oh wait big wave inbound
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Ahhh looks nice and calm

Day 1 was always going to be an interesting day for Will and I. This was our first 420 World   Championships so we didn't know what to expect. However, I often find this a positive as it means there is no result based pressure as such as we don't know what a 'good' result is. The first day brought a solid 13-16 knots, which we knew we were fast in with the new Zaoli's. All of the nerves reached their climax on the start and as we were lining up for a tasty start our trapeze rope pulled through! NOT IDEAL! Luckily Will my crew is great at keeping calm and calming me down and we managed to sail a superb race to pull back to 13th. With the positive points of race 1 we put our head down and sailed quick for race 2 bagging a solid 2nd. Overall a positive first day.

Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Sunny and windy = perfection
The next two days bought solid breeze of around 11-20 knots. We had some of the best races we've sailed and managed to get 3,4,2,8. We were shocked but absolutely stoked with this performance. At the gold, silver cut off after day 3 we were in 4th place overall. Not a bad place to be! But now the hard work started...

The 3 days of qualification bought light and difficult winds :( We seemed to struggle with getting off the start line as we would lose our lane soon after the start. This put us on the back foot. 2 jury penalties didn't help our progress either as it meant we had to retire from our only top 10 in gold fleet. Overall we finished 15th which we were still pleased with as 15th in the World is a pretty solid result!

We came out of the event with many training points to take into the rest of the year but didn't have too much time to reflect as 30 mins after we got in we were off to Poland for the Youth Worlds. See you in the next blog post :)

Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
He really is tall!

Thursday, 9 May 2019


What a busy few months its been! It's been a hectic balance of school and sailing since Christmas with many weekends away along with lots of homework in the evening as we ramp up to the exams time of the year. 

We've had a combination of training camps consisting of Youth Squads and individual sessions self led by William and I. When we combine these training camps together it gives the best results as we are able to focus on really small things such as maintaining max speed when bearing round a mark. This helps us to really define our skills and make sure they are automatic. Also, we get to do loads of Waszp sailing when we're on our own, which adds some foiling fun to the sailing along with a bit of wake boarding. From the Youth Squad camps we get more training on our rig set up and a a bit of starting practice and then of course all the strategic and tactical learning. 

After our training came to an end it was time for the selection series to start. In the 420 we have 3 selection events: the Spring Championships, the Inland Championships and then the RYA Youth National Championships.  All 3 event's scores are combined to create an overall ranking which determines whether you make it into the 420 World Championships Team and/or the 420 Junior Europeans Team. The RYA Youth National Championships is also the event that decides which boats go to the Youth Sailing World Championships which is the top boy boat and top girl boat from each class. This is the most prestigious event a youth sailor can do!
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Some intense spinnaker staring downwind

So the first event: the Inland Championships. This event was held in Rutland Water and was cold and windy! The first day saw too much wind in fact and was blown off to the delight of the parents who could sit down and watch the rugby whilst we all pottered about with nothing to do. FUN! Day 2 came along with similar conditions in the morning however the lulls continued to drop throughout the day creating some crazily gusty and lully conditions which was not fun! We didn't have the best day getting a 5,11,7,4 which we feel was because we were struggling with our rig set up and felt we were either too overpowered in gusts or too underpowered in lulls. We came away with 6th overall, which was a disappointment. 

From then it was down to Lymington for two weekends in a row the first being a Youth Squad and then second being some individual training. The Youth Squad camp focused on racing strategy and rules. The next weekend on our own was the final weekend of training before the Spring Championships and the Youth Nationals so we decided to have a boat handling weekend where we went over our routines for each manourve making sure it was as automatic as possible. With a little bit of boat work we felt as prepared as possible. 

I then had a few days of revision followed by some Optimist coaching with West Kirby Race Team before I headed down to Weymouth to meet up with William for the 420 Spring Championships. This event saw perfect sailing conditions with no rain and 14 knots (well perfect for England!). Despite this we struggled with our strategy and tactics however we were feeling fast. This was demonstrated by our inconsistent overall results which were 1,9,3,13,12,1,8. These results placed us 6th overall (AGAIN!!). We came away with positives as we had no doubt in was our set up or speed and that we just had to make sure we were taking less risks and staying around the top 5 in every race. William then went home for a week for GCSE revison whilst I stayed in Weymouth and continued training (with other sailors) and doing boat work which ended up being a really productive week as I learnt a lot about how the sails work and the optimum settings and also made our boat more like a racing machine. 
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Cheeky blast!

Then it was time for the RYA Youth Nationals!! 5 days of racing to decide who attends the Youth Worlds and the final event of the selection series to decide the 420 Worlds and Junior Europeans Teams. I registered 2 days earlier without William because we had to do a full boat measurement which takes a lot of time and effort. This meant once William arrived after his week of revision and some fitness testing we were able to go out training. 

Our final training session was in 30 knots out in Weymouth bay which was hairy to say the least but great fun to sail in and glad the boat didn't break. Day 1 saw no racing which was a shame due to all the build up but was a good test of patience. 
Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
Happy times :)

We finally got out on day 2 in a light breeze of about 6 knots. We managed a 6 and a 2 and were winning the final race but due to some race committee issues the race was abandoned. This put us in 2nd place overall and 1st boys which put us under increased pressure. 

Day 3 saw no racing again due to fog but at least it was warm on shore and was a great time to bond and catch up with fellow optimist sailors who had separated into different classes. 

Day 4 of the event saw perfect sailing conditions so we were launched early expecting a long day on the water. We had 4 races out in Weymouth Bay followed by one sunset race in the harbour. This day may have been the best day we had ever sailed together as we managed to sail a 2,4,4,5,2 in our most pressurised event yet. Our strategy upwind fell right into place! These results boosted us up to 1st overall going into the last day. 

Day 5 saw light airs but still an early start with the potential for a few morning races. My heart was racing on the way out to the racecourse! The first race turned out to be very weird with us being 2nd round most of the course until the wind completely dropped and shifted massively to the right creating a very unfair race however despite this the race committee decided to let it stand meaning we had to discard a 12th. The wind we'd had completely left us and the race committee had to send us in. This meant we had retained our lead overall and were RYA 420 Youth National Champions!!! 

This was our first major victory in the 420 and we were over the moon. After lots of photos and interviews we were finally able to reflect and let it all sink in. What an amazing feeling! We'd just like to thank Musto, our parents and our coaches as well!

This means we're having the summer of our lives! We are away from 25 June until 30 July. First we're heading to Portugal for the 420 World Championships. Then we are off to Poland for the Youth World Championships and then to Spain for the 420 Junior Europeans. I am so excited! For now though, William is in full exam mode with his upcoming GCSE's. And as for me, I have my short Year 12 exam period which I'm currently doing before my fitness program starts in preparation for all our events and then I have to start some catch up work for the 5 weeks of school I'm missing for these summer events! 

Haydn Sewell and William Heathcote 420 sailing
The cheesy winning smiles coming out

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Back to the Winter grind!

Since my last blog post, I have been crazily busy. Out of 7 weekends, I have been sailing for 6 of them! Oh, and I started 6th form was has been a blast but also lots and lots of work. 

I started with coaching at the Optimist End of Seasons in Weymouth which was a sunny weekend with some great individual successes for the West Kirby Race Team. I really enjoy the coaching weekends with the Optimist class as I get to pass on my knowledge from the class which I spent 7 years in to really enthusiastic sailors who are willing to learn and improve - a fantastic sight to see. Surprisingly, I actually learn a lot for my own sailing when I'm on a rib coaching as it is easier to see the 'big picture' - a well-needed skill for my personal sailing. 

I was back down in Weymouth again next weekend for a 470 Olympic Ranker! I was happily invited by Dan Burns to sail the event which turned out to be mega fun! On day 1 it was unfortunately too windy to sail so we went to the cinema to watch a movie with some good mates of mine who I hadn't seen for ages, which was good fun, and then went for a delicious curry. Thankfully day 2 brought slightly less wind (20 knots) which was quite windy for the first time in the 470! I learned so much which was awesome as I am interested in sailing the Olympic class when I am older. We even managed to get a 3rd! 
Tight committee boat end start 

It was then a week of hard school work before heading to Rutland for the 420 Inlands which was a re-run as it was initially called off due to poor weather earlier this year. We had a gusty weekend which was good fun when sailing on a triangle- sausage course, making the reach to reach gybe very interesting. Overall we had a good regatta in terms of racing/results however we felt like we had a bad weekend as we weren't sailing the boat very well- making too many mistakes. We came out of the event with a new goal- improving our downwind sailing in gusty conditions in terms of sailing towards the gusts more and deciding our angles that were needed better. 

The next weekend was back down in Weymouth for the first 420 Youth Squad Camp which we are very excited to be a part of. This was a crazy weekend as it was seriously windy both days. We were still able to keep it productive though and we learned a new skill called the 'Wild thing' where the crew is on the wire downwind which makes the boat more stable when sailing in a higher angle as we were going quicker than the waves. We also had a big group meal on Saturday night which is great as it helps the team to bond together forming many great friendships. Then it was a whole weekend off which was well needed as school work was seriously starting to build up!

Then it was back down to Weymouth (becoming a bit of a theme this Winter) for our first Multi-class Youth Squad A camp. Youth Squad A consists of the top 2-4 boats in each youth class who receive fully funded extra coaching which is awesome and we are very proud to be a part of it. We started the weekend with a whole squad meeting and then separate meetings with our individual class coaches. Jonny Mcgovern brought down lots of cool microphones which meant we could speak and hear each other without having to be next to each other, as well as a camera that told you every piece of data you ever needed to know. We then headed out in some fruity conditions. About halfway through the session,

we had a huge squall whilst in the bay which was recorded at a whopping 47 knots! We instantly capsized and then had to wait on the overturned boat whilst the squall died which was pretty scary as we were surrounded by ships. When we righted the boat we came up with a rip in the mainsail and spinnaker, a lost batten from the jib and a bent mast. NOT IDEAL! Then a long sail in before we assessed the damage which was a cost of about £2000. EEEK. We then had another meeting, this one about anti-doping in which we learned about what not to take and the consequences of doing the wrong thing. We also learned that at any point now we can be tested. The next day brought lighter winds so we went in the rib and swapped in and out with our training partner. It was then another long journey home and a hectic week during which I had lots of boat work to do including rigging a new mast!

We headed to Grafham for the 420 End of Seasons the weekend after. We had a hectic Saturday morning as we had no settings and the main halyard was tapered slightly wrong but we just about made it out on the water in the time for the first race. We had a good weekend in terms of sailing in some light conditions which we needed some practice in. However, once again we had some boat issues as we snapped the gooseneck and then broke the pole trying to fit a new one with a minute to go before a race start. Overall we finished 4th which was a remarkable result considering the 'boat situation'. 
Gorgeous reaching breeze

It was then a busy week at school catching up on missed work before heading down to Plymouth for a 420 Youth Squad residential camp. The very long drive was worth it as we had light winds at a cool, new and quirky venue. It's always nice to go to a new venue and some warm winter weather made it even nicer. The camp had a focus on starting which always results in long, tedious sessions but are then the most rewarding and productive. We came away with big improvements in our scoops and trigger pulls which is a nice little skill to have and should help us on those tough international start lines. It was then a proper pack up as the boat had to go over to Palamos. 

The next 2 weeks brought a lot of school work and 2 whole free weekends in a row. A very strange occurrence in my busy lifestyle! 

Next came Palamos which was a 7-day trip and I got to miss 5 days of college which was an added bonus. The Christmas regatta at Palamos is great as it's at the same time as the 470, Finn and laser events making it great to catch up with friends which I haven't seen in ages. We stayed in an apartment overlooking the apartment with my friend Drew Wright's dad which was great for postponements as we could see the flags from the balcony! We arrived at the event 4 days early which was great as it was a new venue for me. The first few days brought some light wind tuning which was good to get the boat set up and tuned correctly as we were using a new M7 mast. We then had 1 crazy day of training with huge waves which was epic. The training was short but intense much like our training in Lymington which I find is often the most effective. Before we knew it the event was upon us and day 1 was pending. We launched in a light breeze of 5 knots however the chop from the day before was still present making it very lumpy and hard to keep the flow over the sails. After postponements, the breeze gradually grew until we had a solid 15-18 knots with some large swell. We got 5,5,12 which we were pretty happy with considering Spain are the top nation at the moment in 420's. However, we were slightly disappointed with the 12th as we were coming 5th again however we lacked downwind speed when the wind dropped. Despite this, it was a successful day and we came out of it with another thing to work on. The next day incredibly dull with no wind, however, the winter sun made an appearance which was nice. Day 3 saw similar weather to day 1 with little breeze to start the day however it gradually built whilst we were doing our pre-start routines until we ended with 20+ knots and a huge swell which was awesome and one of the best days sailing ever! We scored a 7,12 and a 3rd. The 12th was quite annoying as we were 2nd in that race but capsized downwind and then in the last race we were leading around the whole course but we broached on the final downwind so we had to settle for a 3rd. Still a good result though. Our downwind definitely needs work! This put us in 10th place overall going into the last day which was good as our goal was to be top 10. That night we cooked a lovely fish dinner before having an early night ready for the final day racing. We woke up to a solid 0 knots with no chance of the breeze increasing so we packed the boats up and had a day chilling before catching a flight back home early the next morning. Overall the week was good fun and we did very well coming 10th overall as top British boat against a competitive fleet. We also came out of the event with many downwind training points to work on in the upcoming training season. 

For now its back to school before a long set of training weekends with a mixture of youth squad camps and independent training camps. Hopefully, I will also have some time to teach Freya some skills as well. 

Sunday, 18 February 2018

A bit of a catch up!

Long time no see! I'm late checking in as I have been doing lots and lots of 420 training and a few events. It started off in Helensburgh, Scotland (a week after the Optimist Nationals) with the Scottish Open and 420 National Championships which was a weird trip.

I thought Scottish weather was pretty much the same as English and that it was just a stereo type however I was proved wrong! The day we arrived was warm, sunny and pleasant. Then no word of a lie it rained for everyday from then on and by rain I mean it poured down. Miserable. However sailing wise it was awesome. A good 15knts everyday which was really good practise for William and I as we are quite a light pairing. Neil Marsden and Tim Rush (two top coaches were also up there) which was great for us. However mid way through the event we did encounter a problem... our boat leaked- like big time leaked. We would get back in and not be able to pull the boat up the slipway. In the first race of the day we would be bouncing along the waves but by the last race we would struggle to get over the waves and would just end up going through them! However overall it was a successful event.

Since then we have been doing loads of training so we can get up to a competitive level. We've had up and down results with a slightly disappointing Autumn champs however a great End of Seasons where we were up with the top guys and fighting to be top junior boat. Because the 420 is a new boat for us we've been focusing so much on boat handling (the likes of tacking and gybing) that we forgot skills like tactics, strategy and starting. The point at which you can focus on strategy etc is the point in which you become a world class 420 sailor. 

2018 is a big year for Will and I. Our goal is to make it into youth squad by the end of the year which is a big ask but we think it's possible. We've got a new boat which is going  really well. We've done a few training sessions already this year which have mostly been in heavy winds. We're getting much better at this. The number of capsizes is really down, we're doing well upwind and really starting to get the hang of using the kite in the breeze. There's lots of training still to be done but it's so much fun having new challenges and learning so much all the time. Our first big event is the Spring champs in March, so it will be interesting to see how we're getting on.

Outside of the 420 I've been doing some Oppie coaching helping out with the North Zone squad and later in the year I'm racing in one of the West Kirby Sailing Club teams in the Wilson Trophy team racing event which I'm really excited and honoured to compete in. Oh, I've also got my GCSEs this year so having to do lots of schoolwork and revision too!

Thankfully Musto has been hooking me up with the best kit so I'm ready for this busy year of sailing ahead of me. I recently ordered the foiling thermohot impact steamer which is other wordly! It's so warm but still flexible and usable which I love as it doesn't feel like I'm wearing loads of clothes. It's a good buy which I recommend for anyone. I also got a stacked toolbox for Christmas which is awesome!
Some of my new Musto buys for 2018
My mint toolbox

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

The end of an Optimist era!

Wow, what a brilliant last event. The Optimist Nationals 2017 was probably the best one yet. I went into the event not worrying too much about the result but ending an era well. And I sure did. 
Haydn Sewell Sailing
The last squad chat

It was at Weymouth so we stayed in the big house we normally do. Once again we had Jamie Cook staying with us because he wins best when he stays with us so we're clearly his lucky charms!!! ;)  It was a windy week which made the event a bit more enjoyable and fun apart from 2 days when we couldn't sail because it was too windy. I had a really good set of results with only one result outside the top 10 in 13 races. But I think what made it most fun for me was being able to see and say goodbye to my amazing friends. 

Haydn Sewell Sailing
Winning in a race on my last day
Overall at the event I finished 5th and 2nd Brit which got me quite a few trophies. My new family member Jamie Cook won the event again because he was staying with the Sewell's! 

My grandparents came down from Tuesday to Friday which was lovely because due to our new house move to Cheshire I don't get to see them so often. We carried on our nationals tradition of Chinese on the last night which once again was delicious. 

Haydn Sewell Sailing
The face of a happy man!
So now that Oppies are over, bring on 420's. I am sailing with William Heathcote who has become one of my best friends through Oppie sailing. We have a lot of work to do over the winter to get up to speed and start competing at the top level starting next week when Will and I are up in Scotland for the 420 nationals. Then back down to Lymington for a week of 420 sailing. Wish me luck!

I would just like to say a massive thanks to some people who have helped me so much over the last seven years of Oppie sailing:  Musto and Nick Houchin (for the lovely kit), North Sails, Winner (for the awesome boat), The Heathcote family, The Cook family, The Evans family, Alan Williams/Sarah Williams/Tom Haynes/Kat Colvin/Vagelis Atzemian/Claire Chapple  and all the other coaches who've helped me, Will King, The Ellis family and particuraly Cordelia Ellis for helping me to start sailing and becoming an massive inspiration for me ('win low, lose high' I still remember). IOCA UK and all the volunteers who run the events, the RYA And then most of all my grandparents and parents and sister for supporting this great life and just helping with absolutely everything!!
Haydn Sewell Sailing
Proud dad taking a few to many photos

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Summer 2016

I haven't done a blog post for ages so have so much to tell you about starting with summer. OMG!! What an awesome summer I had! In this blog I am going to tell you about: French Nationals, British Nationals, 420 Nationals, the Late Summers and the 420 Autumn champs. Yes the problem with sailing 2 boats!!

French Nationals
Haydn Sewell
Opening ceremony
Haydn Sewell
Squad Photo
I went to the French Nationals with the Development team from the Selections which consisted of 8 sailors. Despite not being the team I was hoping for- I was still looking forward to the event as I knew I had a good chance of doing well and also it was going to be hot! The event was held over the 16th July to the 22nd of July (which also included my birthday). We left for the event a few days earlier to do some training. The training was so good due to the nice weather. For me, training in hot weather makes me feel so much more relaxed and ready to sail. I really liked going to the event a few days earlier as it meant we could relax much more and meant there was much less stress. Also we weren't training for too long each day so it meant we could relax on the beach or go back to the house and play football. We were staying at some massive house about 20 minutes away which was quite cool. I also got my own double bed bedroom to myself which was crazy!! 
The lead up to the event was awesome which Is why I was surprised at my lack of form on the early days of the regatta. It was the group stages and I was struggling to get top 10's. I guess the light,shifty and annoying conditions didn't really help with the pressure I had put on myself once again. Another upset was the lack of racing. In the end we missed 3 days of racing due to light winds. In the end I was 13th going into the gold fleet which was still ok. However I wanted more and top 10 finishes.

Haydn Sewell
Haydn Sewell
But lets forget about the racing for a moment- because it was my birthday. My parents and Freya gave me a scare in the morning when my boat had gone 'missing'. After scouring the boat park for a few minutes they jumped out at me and presented my boat. It was decorated with balloons everywhere, bunting and banners covering the boat and most embarrassingly the band played Happy Birthday. I don't know whether I was crying with happiness or embarrassment! And then it was back to racing. Hard racing. Gold fleet racing. I knew I had to turn it on. And that's exactly what I did! I went out there and smashed it twice over. 2,2,9. I don't know whether it was the fact it was my birthday or just because I knew I had to do better. But whatever it was, please let my have it again. The next day was the final day. I had climbed up to 8th but I still knew I could do better. Unfortunately the racing was postponed for ages so we only managed one race. In the race i got a 6th which I was pretty pleased about. To be able to get all top 10 results  in gold fleet was pretty cool. Then it was prize giving and packing away time. Luckily though we weren't leaving until the next day. The next morning we went down to the sailing club to pick up the boats and typical it was perfect weather. Anyway after that we went to the beach and had some chill time before leaving. Thinking back on the event now I still think I could have performed better but I was still happy with my performance. 

British Nationals 
Haydn Sewell, Jamie Cook
Haggis crisps
Nationals number 2. Just a lot colder this time. Actually to be fair to Scotland I managed to sail a few times in rash vests- but still not as good as France! This was a fun event because there is no pressure on it anymore and my friend Jamie Cook was staying with us. We made the long trek up a day early so we could get some practice in. I'd being doing lots of 420 sailing recently so it felt very different. Then it was an early nights sleep and getting ready for a busy week of racing. Another reason why it was quite fun was because my grandparents were staying there. This meant nice meals every night! Then the racing started. I was feeling the pressure again defiantly. 18,3,BFD. Not a good day. However I was hoping the up and down winds would suit me. But they defiantly didn't. They made my results very very up and down. For the rest of the regatta I had results ranging from 8 to 44. CRAZY! Despite some disappointing results I still managed to do OK and came 7th brit in the end. I spoke to head coach Alan Williams afterwards and he said that I was sailing very well just  hadn't set up my rig properly for the tricky conditions. This was  a nice thing to hear because at least it made me feel like I wasn't sailing so badly after all. The week in general though was still a success and I have lots of memories from it Can't miss a good Nationals!!

420 Nationals
Nationals number 3. Just in a 420 this time. The next class I am moving into is the 420. This is a two handed boat in which I sail with my good friend William Heathcote (also a beast opi sailor). We are starting to do events and training in the 420 so that when we move into the class officially we're already good enough to compete. We went into this event with no pressure on us which made it so much more enjoyable. The event was at Pwhelli so we stayed in a farm which was really cool. We stayed in a massive house which also had a go-kart place track and wake boarding lake. The 420 events are so much less stressful as everyone is so laid back. In an oppie everyone is waiting centimeters away from the water ready to launch whereas in 420 when the launch flag goes up you launch about 20 minutes later. This was good for us because we were so slow at doing everything. The 420 takes so long to set up as you have to re tie everything back onto the boat from the mast. We spent 2 hours on the first day setting up the boat. Looking forward to the regatta we were really excited, firstly because the 420 is such a cool boat and secondly because the week was looking light.
However the start of the event didn't go to plan. There was no racing for the first two days. This was such a shame because we were so looking forward to some light wind days.However the good thing about it was the fact that it gave us time to catch up with all our old friends. Also on the first day (after sailing was cancelled) we all went out on a rib to go cliff jumping out on the Abersoch islands. This was so fun but also quite scary.
Wednesday brought a better day though. Warm weather and light but sailable winds. PERFECT! Our first race was such as shock that I could really believe it 5th out of 40  round the windward mark beating Milly and Vita( William's older sister who is one of the best in the class)!! We managed to finish in an awesome 10th. Everyone was so shocked with our finish. And the day only got better from there. 9th,11,14,32!!!! We were sitting in 11th overall over night. That night was a celebratory go kart session. And then... no sailing the next day. And then 20+knts the last day. We made the wise decision not to go out!! Luckily for us they only did one race we meant we finished 14th overall. OMG! What a great week. Awesome sailing and awesome fun! I also forget to mention the parties. They were pretty dreads to!! Thanks to Kate and George for taking me and William for being a awesome crew! 

Late Summers
And finally the dreaded Late Summers. This year was defiantly a special and one to remember. 25+knts and a massive swell on the first day and 2knts on the second day! I know this is a bold statement but I think the first day as my best day sailing ever. I have one very distinct memory of flying pass my friend Henry Chandler downwind and then watching him capsize whilst talking to me. I nearly capsized myself I was in such hysterics! I must have been on superpowers that day as I finished the day with two 2nd places. Me doing well in heavy winds!! No not for a second. To be honest though I wouldn't care where I came on that day. The sailing was good enough to keep me happy that day. And then Sunday.... NOTHING. Absoulutly nothing. However it was going to be the test to find the best overall sailor because of two very different conditions. And the first race of the day= Another 2nd place. Going into the last race I was sitting on 2,2,2. However to win overall I would have to have won the race. And... I got BFD. Oops. Despite the disappointing last race I was still pretty pleased with the regatta. I finished in 3rd place which guaranteed me a National Squad position. Not to shabby. 

When I started the 420 sailing alongside the oppie I was worried that I would get too carried away and would want to leave oppies early. In reality it's helping. It has opened up my sailing world and made me realize that there is Life after Oppies. The stress has gone. Another stress releaser is Freya. Having someone that close to me with me has kept me preoccupied and not thinking about results. Instead of looking at my race I'm seeing how Freya is doing and somehow this is a good thing! Sorry about the late blog but keep tuned because a new one is on the way soon!!