Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Freezing Cold Sailing Weekend in Weymouth!

Another awesome weekend sailing in Weymouth for some more South Zone Squad training but it was just soooo freezing cold. This time it was a little bit more competive too! As always I learnt loads and really benefitted from the heavy winds again as I need the practice because I'm so small for windy conditions. I'm always one of the first to have to start hiking when the breeze gets up.

Sunday was the best day because we had a mini all day race series to help us with our build-up to a big event. We were joined by the South Training Squad and South West Zone Squad so had about 50 Optimists racing. It also meant we could put into practice what we had been working on on Saturday: 
  •  Boat on Boat Tactics
  •  First Beat strategy
  •  Using our Pre Start Routine
  •  Starting on a busy and biased line
  •  Bringing it all together on the race course.

I had an epic start to the racing. We had some older intermediate squad sailors joining us. I had a great start in the first race and was the first person off the line and able to control the rest of the fleet. I was leading at the first windward mark and lead the whole way round to get a bullet. 

Race two was going very well too, but unfortunately someone lost control and ended up capsizing on top of me which tipped me over. Not only did it mean I lost loads of places but it really wasn't a good day for swimming. As it wasn't my fault I got average points for that race. 

Race 3 and 4 were both good with a 3rd and a 5th so going into the last race I was top zone squad boat.

I had a good start to the last race and was doing well in 6th place going up to the final windward mark. I was pushing really hard and then it all went horribly wrong! As I gybed round the mark a big gust hit me, which I had seen, but it hit me faster than I thought it would. I capsized aghhhh. By the time I had got back up and bailed out I was in last place.

I was really upset about it and frustrated that I didn't win however Dad cooled it over with me and eventually I began to start to feel better and I understand that it didn't really matter so much because it was only training and there were some good lessons to learn. Better to make the mistakes in training rather than in a main event. But I do like winning though!

I cannot express how cold the weekend was!  Really, I can't! Try to imagine sailing inside a gigantic iceberg! That's how cold it was on the weekend. I think I had 12 pairs of thermals on underneath my dry-suit! I was probably my coldest time sailing ever and I wore the most clothes ever! However poor Dad. On Saturday he stood still on a rib all day and on Sunday he was outside helping me rig. At least I'm moving! Dad did a better job with getting some video this time but its quite shaky, not sure if that is his video skills or because he was shivering. Probably video skills!

Saturday night we stayed in a B&B in Weymouth and had fish and chips for tea with my friend Lily and her Dad, which was fun.

Once again there was another long car journey home followed by a Wightlink ferry. We arrived for the 1825 ferry at 1823 (think Dad thinks he's a racing driver sometimes) as they were lifting up the car ramp but kindly put it back down for us. Thank you Wightlink. This time when I got home I had a really quick bath before Dad could throw in my sailing stuff in, so Dad had to suffer with the sailing kit in the bath!

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