Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Four weekends of great sailing

I've had a really busy time since my last blog post with four weekends in a row of sailing which has mostly been amazing. To summarise it's been:

  • The RYA South Zone Championships - 15th
  • Boys invitational training - one of the best training events ever
  • Volvo Gill End of Season Championship - 28th
  • Volvo Gill End of Season Championship - our team came 3rd

RYA South Zone Championships
These were in Poole and it seems like quite a long time ago now. There were quite a lot of the good sailors from our zone there and we had 80 boats in the fleet in total. As I wasn't going for the zone squads this year it meant I could use the event for practising techniques rather than having to worry about the result so much. Still once I'm racing I always want to do as well as possible and win. I had on OK event but not quite as good as I would have liked. I finished in 15th place overall which I was a bit disappointed with however in the same event last year I finished 21st so it's still an improvement

Boys invitational training
This was at Burghfield Sailng Club with the national squad coach, Alan Williams. He is awesome. It was some of the best coaching sessions I've ever had. For the whole weekend there was hardly any wind but it didn't really matter as we still got loads of sailing in and were able practice techniques loads and as it wasn't windy it was really easy to hear what the coaches were saying. I really learnt a lot more about my tacking and boat handling. During the training we did a series of races which I won and was given one of Alan's sailing belts as a prize, which as he said will fit me one day!!

End of Season Championships
This was the first time I've done the End of Seasons where the result counts towards the rankings and getting into the squads so I was a bit nervous and scared of mucking it up. 

Optimist fleet waiting to launch at the Volvo Gill End of Season Championships 2013
Waiting to launch at the End Of Seasons
There were over 200 sailors taking part and we were in four flights with two flights to each race so over 100 boats on the start line. 

 On Saturday while we were rigging it was quite windy but as soon as we launched the wind disappeared and we had a long wait to start racing and had to completely change the set up of the boat on the water. Hanging around for ages isn't too bad as I like talking to my friends out on the water. We had two races on Saturday in really light shifty winds and I got a 9th and 23rd. 

On Sunday morning it was really windy but we went off early to get four races in. The first race was epic, loads of people capsizing and really fast reaching. I came 37th which was OK in the conditions. The wind was a bit up and down after that.  I had two good races and two with pretty bad starts. In the last race I was one of the last to cross the line but was able to sail though the fleet to finish 27th so I was pleased with my boat speed and tactics so just need to practice my starts over winter training. With a 9th and 10th in the other races overall I finished 28th.

National Squad
So what does this mean to the rolling rankings? I am now ranked 11th of all the optimist sailors and means I've been selected for the National Squad. The squad is made up of the top 6 girls top 6 boys, the next 10 sailors and two discretionary places. Being in the National squad is awesome and it was my aim for the year so I am very very happy.

RYA Eric Twiname Team Racing Championship
Max Moyles and Haydn Sewell at the RYA Eric Twiname Team Racing Championships 2013
Me and Max
This was epic, 10/10 on the awesometer. I've never really done any team racing before apart from a little bit in Optimist training and this was in RS Fevas so sailing really competitively in a two handed boat as crew was quite new for me too. 

I was part of Team Heathcote (a Royal Lymington YC team) with Robbie and Alex King, Max Moyles, Vita and William Heathcote. I was crewing for Max who now sails a 420. He's a brilliant helm and really good at the rules and boat handling. I learnt loads from him over the weekend. 

The racing was over two days. On Saturday we won all our races but one which was brilliant. On Sunday it was quite windy which made it tricky for us as quite a light weight team. We lost the first couple of races but won the next four which put us into the gold fleet in third place. We then went into the quarter finals which we were winning but a massive storm came through and it became more of a team survival than team racing. The racing was abandoned for the day but the sailing in the Fevas when it was really windy was so much fun. I have never gone so fast in a dinghy on a reach before. It was all a bit chaotic trying to get back ashore though. 
Haydn Sewell and Team Heathcote at the 2013 RYA Eric Twiname Team Racing Championships
Team Heathcote waiting to race

With racing abandoned we kept our third place and got presented with an engraved glass at prize giving so another one for my collection.

As I've been sailing on the mainland so much lately we having been staying at my grandparents lots, so a big shout out to them for looking after us and the lovely dinners.

Next up is the first National Squad training camp which is a four day residential in Weymouth. I can't wait.

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